Meet Liliana Larsson, Pancreatic Oncology Nurse Navigator

One of the many incredible people we work with at MD Anderson Cancer Center is Liliana Larssson, Pancreatic Oncology Nurse Navigator. Liliana plays a vital role in ensuring the patients have timely access to support services, as well as being a liaison between patients and care providers. Liliana and her team work closely with The Reaumond Foundation to refer patients and their families to Homes of Hope. Learn more about Liliana and her vital work in our latest blog post.

Since opening 255 days ago, Homes of Hope has been occupied 85% of the time, hosting 7 patients and their families, from 5 different States around the country. Support from donors like you allow us to continue to give patients and families a home away from home while they receive treatment at the nations #1 cancer center, MD Anderson Cancer Center.   


Meet Pat, Our November Guest at Homes of Hope!


Meet Our Intern, Shaely Sanetra